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Flooring Installation To Upgrade Your Chicago Home's Look & Feel


Forty-Eight Oaks offers flooring installation services for all types of floors for your Chicago home. We are licensed and insured remodeling contractors located in and serving Chicago and the surrounding areas. Our skilled personnel can replace or install any type of floor material, including wood, vinyl, or tile, to give your home a polished look. Are you looking for a remodeling contractor in the Chicago area? Look no further than Forty-Eight Oaks!

Nowadays, it's very tempting to perform a DIY floor installation on your own home. At Forty-Eight Oaks, we say think again! Flooring installation is so tricky, and while it might look easy, it's even easier to mess up! Save yourself the time, money, and hassle, and call on the flooring installation pros at Forty-Eight Oaks. After seeing the results of a perfectly installed floor, you'll be so glad you did.

At Forty-Eight Oaks, We Install All Types Of Flooring

We're proud to provide flooring installation for any and every kind of home, complete with a variety of flooring types. If you are working on a building project or you simply want to replace your floor, there are a wide variety of installation options to choose from. While some new flooring options are best suited for certain spaces, others are fit for installation throughout the home. Below are some of our most common flooring options:

  • Tiles
  • Hardwood Flooring
  • Laminates
  • Vinyl
  • Carpet

Contact our Chicago flooring installation pros today for a free onsite consultation with one of our licensed professionals who will help you select the right flooring solution for your home or commercial space to suit your taste, lifestyle, and budget. We offer an entire host of remodeling contractor services, so whether you need painting, drywall repair, or exterior trim services, ask for the flooring installer pros at Forty-Eight Oaks!

Don't settle for less when it comes to flooring installation and your home! At Forty-Eight Oaks, we take flooring installation, as well as remodeling, very seriously. You'll see how much care we put into our work with every amazing result.

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